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Leadership Skills for Lawyers

12. Leadership Skills for Lawyers
  • Description
  • Trainer

The Leadership in the Legal Profession course is designed to address a significant deficit in legal training; namely that most Lawyers are only trained on legal acumen and knowledge, while in today’s world, they need to be effective people and project managers.

The Leadership Skills for Lawyers course is designed to equip lawyers with the necessary skills to become effective leaders. The course focuses on understanding the principles of leadership, developing effective communication skills, building strong relationships, managing conflicts, and building a culture of accountability. The course will provide lawyers with a comprehensive set of tools to help them lead their teams, build their firms, and become influential leaders in their field.

There are several reasons why a lawyer should consider attending a course for leadership, some of which include: a) leadership courses can help to develop communication skills and articulate their arguments and negotiation and providing guidance to team members b) leadership course can help lawyers to become better managers of their team members, delegate tasks effectively and provide feedback c) Leadership courses can also help lawyers to develop their personal skills, such as self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and resilience. These skills can help them to manage stress, deal with difficult situations, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. d) Lawyers who attend leadership courses can learn how to think strategically and make sound decisions that will benefit their clients and their law firm. They can also develop skills in problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict resolution.

Overall, participating in this leadership course can benefit lawyers in many ways, both professionally and personally. It can help them to become better leaders, managers, and communicators, which can lead to greater success in their careers.

This course has been designed by successful lawyers and legal trainers who have hands on experience leading teams of lawyers and project management.

  • Unit 1: Introduction to Leadership
  • Unit 2: Communication Skills
  • Unit 3: Managing Conflicts
  • Unit 4: Building a culture of accountability
  • Unit 5: Ethical Leadership
  • Unit 6: Developing and Implementing a Leadership plan.

No prior knowledge is required.

This course aims to equip legal professionals with the skills, knowledge, and mindset necessary to effectively lead and manage teams, clients, and organizations in the legal industry. The course will improve your interaction with internal clients, customers, and executives and challenge your intuitive approach to management and push yourself to consider strategies and approaches outside your current leadership comfort zone

This course is open to practicing lawyers, law students, and legal professionals who are interested in marketing themselves effectively.


Unit 1: introduction to Leadership
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand what leadership entails
  2. Appreciate the importance of leadership for lawyers
  3. Understand that there are different types of leadership styles that can be followed.
  4. Describe key leadership skills that are required to be an effective leader.

Unit 2: Communication skills
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the communication strategies
  2. Apply effective communication strategies in their day to day
  3. Understand the importance of active-listening
  4. Apply active listening skills during their day to day communications
  5. Appreciate the effect of non-verbal communication when being a leader.
  6. Understand the importance of relationships in leadership and building trust and rapport.

Unit 3: Managing conflicts
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the different types of conflict resolution strategies that can be applied when conflict rears its head.
  2. Apply the appropriate mediation and negotiation techniques when conflict appears
  3. Understand and be able to manage difficult conversations within a team
  4. Be able to deal with difficult team members as a leader.

Unit 4: Building a culture of accountability:
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of setting goals an expectations within a team
  2. Be able to hold themselves and team members accountable.
  3. Understand the importance of rewarding and recognizing success within a team and develop the strategies to do so.
  4. Understand the different methods that can be employed for addressing underperformance in a team.

Unit 5: Ethical leadership
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of professionalism in leadership
  2. Understand how to lead by example
  3. Understand and implement strategies to balance competing interests
  4. Understand and implement strategies to maintain confidentiality with the team.

Unit 6: Developing and Implementing a Leadership plan:
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify leadership goals and objectives
  2. Create a plan of action
  3. Be able to measure their success
  4. Be able to review and revise their leadership plan.