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Effective Networking for Lawyers

13. Effective Networking for Lawyers
  • Description
  • Trainer

Effective networking is now an essential skill for all lawyers at all levels of a law firm. It is an important attribute of any legal professional as networking contributes to the firm’s business development.

This course will provide participants with a detailed introduction to the basics of networking and will offer guidance on how to effectively network in the legal sector, helping you to generate revenue for your firm.

Through this course you will be able to understand why networking is important and the benefits that effective networking can offer your firm. You will learn to identify the different networking opportunities available to you and how to use them to feel confident to establish a network of contacts. You will consider the pros and cons of professional networking rather than social networking and be aware of how to better use the tools available to you.

This course has been designed by successful lawyers and legal trainers who have hands on experience in networking and generating revenue for their law firm.

No prior knowledge is required.

The course aims to provide participants with the skills and knowledge on how to effectively network within the legal sector in order to contribute to the business development of their firm and ultimately to generate profit.

This course is open to practicing lawyers, law students, and legal professionals who are interested in learning the vital skill of effective networking.


Unit 1: Introduction to networking for lawyers
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to

  1. Understand what true networking is,
  2. Identify the benefits of networking
  3. Understand and identify the role of networking in law practice
  4. Understand the types of networks and their importance.

Unit 2: building your professional network
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to,

  1. Be able to identify your networking goals
  2. Identify the right events and venues for networking
  3. Understand how to approach and introduce yourself to new contacts
  4. Create and leverage LinkedIn and other social media platforms when networking.

Unit 3: Creating strong connections
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to,

  1. Understand the importance of rapport and building relationships
  2. Apply the skills to ask the right questions and active listening
  3. Understand the importance and apply the skills to nurture relationships and stay in touch
  4. Understand the importance and apply referral strategies for building a referral network.

Unit 4: Developing a personal pitch and value proposition
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to,

  1. Understand the importance of having a personal pitch and value proposition
  2. Understand the importance of delivering effective presentations
  3. Apply the skills to develop your own personal pitch, value proposition, and delivering effective presentations

Unit 5: Finding the right clients
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to,

  1. Understand the importance of identifying and developing the right potential clients
  2. Apply the skills to develop potential clients
  3. Understand and apply the skills for networking with other professionals and industry leaders.

Unit 6: Developing a personal networking plan.
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to,

  1. Develop a personal networking plan
  2. Measure the success of your networking efforts.


  1. Networking Plan worksheet
  2. Personal Pitch activity sheet