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Drafting a Partnership Agreement

Cover Image  - An Introduction to English Contract Drafting.jpg
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The “Drafting a Partnership Agreement” course is designed to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to create effective partnership agreements. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a legal professional, or an individual seeking to understand the intricacies of partnership agreements, this course will equip you with the essential tools to navigate the process successfully.

During this course, you will delve into the fundamental elements of partnership agreements and explore the legal, financial, and operational aspects that govern partnerships. Through a combination of expert guidance, real-life case studies, and interactive exercises, you will gain a solid understanding of the key components required to draft a robust and tailored partnership agreement.

Join us for the “Drafting a Partnership Agreement” course and unlock the expertise to create well-crafted partnership agreements that lay a strong foundation for successful business collaborations.



This course has been designed by practicing lawyers and company law lecturers.



Unit 1: An Introduction to Partnership Agreements

Unit 2: Identifying Key Partnership Agreement Elements

Unit 3: Governance and Decision-making

Unit 4: Capital Contributions and Financing

Unit 5: Intellectual Property and Ownership

Unit 6: Partnership Expansion and Restructuring

Unit 7: Boilerplate Clauses in Partnership Agreements



Knowledge of contract principles and basic contract drafting skills are required.



By the end of this course, participants will have the confidence and competence to draft partnership agreements that protect the interests of all partners, mitigate risks, and foster successful collaborative ventures. Whether you aim to establish a partnership or advise clients on partnership matters, this course will empower you with the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of partnership agreements effectively.



  • Entrepreneurs and individuals seeking to establish partnerships
  • Legal professionals and paralegals involved in business law
  • Accountants and financial advisors dealing with partnerships
  • Consultants and advisors offering guidance on partnership matters
  • Students and academics interested in partnership law and business formation



Following completion of this course, students will be in a position to:  


Unit 1: An Introduction to Partnership agreements   

  • Understand the concept of partnership agreements and why they are required
  • Identify the types of partnership agreements and their legal implications
  • Appreciate the importance of a well-drafted partnership agreement.

Unit 2: Identifying key partnership elements   

  • Understand and implement a typical partnership structure
  • Be able to define the purpose, scope, nature and duration of the partnership by drafting appropriate clauses
  • Draft appropriate clauses for determining rights, obligations and responsibilities of each partner to the agreement
  • Draft appropriate clauses to allocate profits, losses and liabilities.

Unit 3: Governance and decision making    

  • Be able to establish appropriate decision making mechanisms
  • Be able to create management structures
  • Be able to effectively address conflicts and dispute resolution mechanisms

Unit 4: Capital contributions and financing   

  • Be able to draft clauses relating to capital contributions
  • Be able to draft clauses for determining the process for additional contributions or loans
  • Be able to address profit sharing and compensation arrangements in the agreement.

Unit 5: Intellectual property and ownership   

  • Be able to address the protection of intellectual property rights
  • Be able to address ownership and usage rights
  • Be able to create provisions for transferring ownership of IP upon dissolution or departure.

Unit 6: Partnership expansion and restructuring  

  • Drafting for expansion and admission of partners
  • Drafting for withdrawal and buy-out procedures
  • Address effectively for dissolution and winding up

Unit 7: Boilerplate clauses in partnership agreements  

  • Be able to establish confidentiality agreements
  • Be able include non-compete clauses
  • Include the typical and most important boilerplate clauses
  • Consider the tax implications of the partnership agreement.